Sunday, June 8, 2008


This is from way long back, in fact this is my first piece of writing, Terror year (2001) when i was 20.


What is terrorism? It is the question just everyone wants to know, to politicize, many have written about, many have talked about, I have reed many columns in
News papers and magazines about the description and the causes of terrorism, I deeply thought about couple of them but as I sat through it, I was able to reason out many causes, few where understandable through common man’s glasses .But causes are no excuse for self-destruction. Yes there can be many words to define terrorism to its point ,but out of many lakes of words in English which I could find ,a word which suits terrorist and terrorism if self- destruction. Terrorism doesn’t bring anything to anyone; it is just the destruction of once evolution. No mater how a terrorist tries to legitimize his cause of unauthentic arms struggle it just leads to one thing that is destruction of all things belonging to him, economical, social cultural and every thing is destroyed by his own deeds.

At first I was able to figure out two main causes of terrorism as poverty and unemployment .First the poverty , it is the major cause of concern of terrorism in most of the developing and under developing countries .More poverty more risk ,poor countries are the once which are more vulnerable to the chances of organization of terrorism because people don’t have direction, wide spread hunger, disease, lack of effective governance ,crime. so the criminals want to run the government because they are the some of the richest in these poor countries ,thieves .If northing mends they start there own organization ,they build there own military wing and fight against there own people for there own hegemony ,when developed countries interfere to help these poor countries from the clutches of these rebel groups ,they become there number one enemies and terrorism emerges at the international seen ,at last the people who started terrorism end up destroying themselves and there own people and friends , it is very pity that they start this to end themselves ,this is just self destruction or suicide ,well not before they kill several hundred innocent, well it is also the responsibility of the developed world who are in fact truly fortunate ,should come out and help the poor nations in a true sense of economical development .

Some say that social development is necessary for economical development, yes that is truly correct, if you see all developed and few developing nations.

If you see the west which consist most of the developed countries ,certainly had wars for land ,wars for leadership and for passion, because of these bloody wars throughout Europe from as early as Christ till 19’th centaury ,throughout Europe millions of people where killed in battle for land ,then common man felt the need to stop the war ,he wanted changes everywhere ,people became scattered ,culture where in disarray ,because of this some bad rules in the Christian, as every religion was not followed .

The whole of the west became poor then came the revolution ,the common man found some changes working ,even though Europe became poor people started working hard because money was there but it was thirsted with rich people ,in to days poor countries there is no money and no economy .There where industrial revolutions along with social revolutions ,people started believing in economy rather than on land or leadership, certainly everyone cannot be the leader of this country ,but each one can be leaders in different fields as in industry, service sector and in everyone ‘s profession .

When the moguls where having there honeymoon with there land and power Europe was changing .With the US the story was different, people who where depressed under European leadership wanted to be there king of there own cause and that is how America was formed, but America also went through its bad days of struggle for independence, war between native Indians and ethnic settlers, slavery, ethnic cleansing. Even today the rivalry between scarce minority native Americans and overwhelming ethnic Americans is still there ,but the very nature of America as a great west nation of opportunity and its fortunate people helped to build there country to number one position

Terrorist thought that the America or the other developing countries are like sophisticated world tallest buildings and aircrafts .terrorist thought that it will fall like world trade centre, but it not like buildings.

These good countries like America, UK, India, est.… are like Himalayan mountain, these are not constructed but the Himalayas are formed due to the constant upward movement of the great Indian plateau on to the Asian land mass which grows every year, terrorism is like the plane caught in the middle of snowfall in the Himalayas, where there is always a way down.

Now one big thing, why the terrorist became more dominant, even though there is terrorist in every religion .why Muslims became famous for most of the terrorism? For this question I can just guess or predict the past .I does feel that for the good part of the modern development of west and rest of the world, Muslims mostly isolated themselves.

The ethics of some of some Muslims fanatic people in muslin world did not explore modern day opportunities ,economy wasn’t there strong point ,most of today’s Muslim countries did not believe in economy, more than that they unfortunate not to have people who could have thought that co-existence ,unity in diversity are essential for democracy ,good governance and for development.

In India most of the Muslims are very poor that is because one, most of them are poor backward class people who are converted as Muslims, two they are poor illiterate people and I think that many rich Muslim people who where in India went to Pakistan after partition, but Indian Muslims are bigger part of the society and most of them have been true Indians, rather than Muslim Indians or Indian Muslims.

Let us analyze other Muslim nations mainly Pakistanis and Afghanistan ,where we find today’s most deadly terrorist ,as we know that Pakistan is a failed state and with afghan it is the non existence of any structure of state .If Gujarat is lighter communal laboratory of Hindtheuva elements ,afghan is 1000 times bigger than Gujarat and it is also the playground of world politics of monopoly and a left over or thrash of the world ,mind me that its going to take long time for change in Afghanistan .

Now let us come to Pakistan, then feature of terrorism, well the odds are heavily in favor of this, for as many people (men) in Pakistan who fight proxy war and die, there are as many children’s and wives who does not get there incentive for there good job from the Pakistani government as there military counterparts and with the religious veil, Walla! Here is a true recipe for terrorism ,with very glare future for democracy it looks like a good cockatiel with good ,no I should say very bad delicious .Now this is the very same sorry state of many Muslim states around the world ,simply there no good people around these countries ,these people are being wrongly led for generations for some peoples politically religious upper hand and that is the way they wanted to become leaders ,a sorry state .

The second problem we were talking about was unemployment ,well unemployment leads two different outcomes ,one is deprivation of human resources and the second is the crime which eventually leads to terrorism .Poverty is also due to illiteracy and unemployment ,many developing countries has failed to create opportunities ,in terrorist countries like Iraq, Pakistan ,Afghanistan est.… there is no direction in education and in social development .in case of India we have a very good social setup but it is only primitive and has to be changed ,we to have educational direction but population explosion is the biggest threat to the Indian development .If India can control population it can grow faster and stronger and for that we need social re modification , of open soul and body .

In any place terrorism starts with poverty and unemployment , when we feel hungry for days along ,we are tempted to steel and many become regulates and criminals ,these criminals join to for greater crimes and then they form groups ,they have head and slowly wanted join in politics and government ,there are criminal groups in every country ,but good countries has always stopped these criminals and has abolished them ,but bad once don’t .these groups get involved in anti government operations, for that they say religion, social change, language as causes that drive them ,but there only cause is to get hold of that country. These groups form alliance with many such groups around the world and then they coordinate against some of the world powerful state and institute for power for survival of bad will and thus emerges terrorism .world over poor countries are the countries where the terrorism first originates, it is a same as the weaker body is the one which is vulnerable to diseases and it starts spreading from there to stronger once ,but the stronger once can defend themselves from the scum of terrorism with minor bruises ,but not the poor once .it is going to end up in horrific death. Only way for the poor countries is the strong and stable mind in the absence of strong body.

As our body is depended on many things for bigger achievements the bigger and stronger countries are also very much depended on smaller countries, so the powerful nations should help these unfortunate nations from getting rid of the dieses by giving cheap access to non cheap medicines for terrorism.

The world may get rid of terrorism the self destruction.



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